RATING: 3.5/5
In tradition of Fargo, the Coen Brothers deliver a good piece of work. It has it funny moments but keeps you going because you have to just find out how it ends up. The acting was good and a little over the top and you gotta love when people just lose it and you don't get why.
Burn After Reading (2008)

Eagle Eye (2008)

A lot of big names where in the computer gone bad movie. At first you are going "huh?" but once through half the movie you figure out what it is all about and it starts making sense. It keeps you on the edge of your seat and holds your attention. There is not much down time throughout the movie, which I like.

Hancock (2008)

The fence is where I am on this. At first, I was annoyed by it because the camera just moved too much and could not focus on who and what was moving. As the movie played on, I finally started to figure it all out and it was turning into a pretty good movie. Then out of nowhere, the plot twists so bad that I had no clue of what was going on and who was who and what they were trying to tell me. I don't think I ever really figured it out.

Jaws 3 (1983)

RATING: 4.5/5
I may get challenged about my rating of this movie, but oh well. I really liked this movie. The 3D effects at the movie theater were not that great. It seems that they just took a scene and say "Let's throw something at the audience, like a leg". It was cheesy, I have to say and it actually scared me enough to never want to eat at an underwater restaurant ever again.

Jaws 4 - The Revenge (1987)

I was obsessed with this movie when it came out. I had an inflatable promo shark that hung from my ceiling, cut out magazine ads, etc. I loved it and it added Michael Caine to one of my favorite male actors. But as I rewatch the movie as an adult, I realized that the screenplay was crap. The special effects suck... The mechanical shark at Universal is better than what we see on the screen. The storyline was corny and unbelievable, I could have done better. But because it is part of the JAWS stable, you gotta love it. Or do I???

Falling Down (1993)

I have always liked this movie for some reason. Just got this on laserdisc over the weekend and was so happy I found it. Come to find out Elisabeth (my girlfriend) had never seen it. So, she picked it out to watch tonight. I love watching Michael Douglas fall off the deep end. I wonder if he says to Catherine Zeta-Jones, "Don't you remember Honey, til death do us part" and give her the evil eye. It is suspenseful without the adrenaline pumping and keeps your attention as you want to see what happens.

Pump up the Volume (1990)

A rare gem that became more popular years after it was released on video. Christian Slater's best acting next to "Heathers" is right here. The writing for this movie was incredible and his speeches that he gave were awesome. You felt like you were there and could relate to everything he was saying. This (to me) was a movie for my generation.

Carrie (1976)

RATING: 3.5/5
I never watched Carrie in the 70's or the 80's or even the 90's. I watched the remake and was told I needed to watch the original. Looking at it being made in the 70's, I could see how people could be afraid of that. For the time, it was a good movie. I will give it that. But now, not so much. It is not a movie that stands up through time.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)

I watched this movie once when it came out of DVD, but with the release of the blu-ray box set we had to rewatch the trilogy. As the movie began, nothing seemed familar. As it progressed somethings seem like I had seen them before before it was like watching for the first time again but with a better appreciation for the movie.
The movie seemed to drag on a bit and I could see times that they could have cut it short or found scenes that could have been left out. But over all, the movie is fun and action packed. Jack Sparrow was not as annoying as the first one and you can find out the history of Orlando Bloom's character. Everyone seemed to have a good time filming it and blu-ray is the way to go on this movie. I recommend the higher quality cause the sound and picture are amazing.

The Women (2008)

At times it was funny, at times it was sad. This is a coming of middle age movie about a group of women who think they have the perfect life until they all hit a speed bump in their lives. Husband cheats, losing a job, getting pregnant, etc. And of course, if you throw a spicy latina in the mix you get a movie that is entertaining, although the characters really did not get that developed. I think the highlight of the movie was Jada Pinkett Smith who played a damn good lesbian (it was believable at times).

Chapter 27 (2006)

This movie was incredible. It keep me engaged the whole movie. I rented it for Lindsay, but I became interested in the story that I wanted to find out more about the killer.

The Great Mouse Detective (1986)

It is not bad. Has a fun story line. Love the fact that they smoke and drink and get drunk and drug other mice. Cats eat mice and it is all Disney family fun. Gotta love it!

Torch Song Trilogy (1988)

I think I have seen this movie over 100 times. We went to the movies in West Hollywood to see it every friday and saturday night. The cast is superb, the story is great and I cry every freaking time.

Batman Begins (2005)

RATING: 3.5/5
Thanks to Chad, I was able to watch Batman Begins before the Dark Knight comes out on tuesday. I have to say, I like the fun Batman movies, more than the serious. But it was good to see where he came from and how everything fell together to become Batman. What I don't understand is that I thought the Joker killed his parents.
This movie was a tad long and me having a headache during it did not help... Over all, I liked it but didn't love it.

Kung Fu Panda (2008)

RATING: 3.5/5
I have always been anti-dreamworks and tend to not watch any of them. But since my cousin started working there, I decided to give it a chance. I have to say I enjoyed the movie. It was funny, great script. Timing was good. Characters good. I like that fact that they are making them PG and not everything G rated like Disney. I liked the fact that you really had no clue on the voices until the credits. Going in to the movie, I had no idea who read for it and I like it like that. And had to watch the whole credits to see Morgan's name. YEAH! I guess, I am going to have to watch more Dreamworks movies.

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 (2008)

OMG, this movie seemed to go on forever. It was not as good as for the first. The characters become unlike about and you were not moved by anything that happened. But the time it was over, you were glad the pants were gone. YEAH NO THIRD MOVIE!!!

Primal Fear (1996)

I had not thought I had seen this, but there were many familiar scenes. Edward Norton is awesome in this movie. He has you going and going and you really feel for him. But then... It is awesome!!!

Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)

Just re-watched on blu-ray and I would say I enjoyed it a little more this time. It really does seem long. Many times I wanted it to be over. Johnny Depp is awesome in it, action sequences are excellent. CGI is cool on blu-ray, just a bit too long for my taste.

Mamma Mia! (2008)

RATING: 1.5/5
This was absolutely horrible. How can an academy award winning actress be proud to be in this. The musical numbers were in all the wrong places and moments. The biggest dance number was in the middle of the movie and it is an embarrassment when Merrill Streep is jumping (not dancing) around and throwing herself on the floor. None of the actors could sing. Maybe the movie just doesn't translate well.

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008)

I enjoyed this movie. I liked the story line, it was easy to follow. Don't need to watch the others to get into this. It was non stop action fun which is always good.

War, Inc. (2008)

Movie was interesting, saw tons of previews for it and wanted to see it. Rented it and it was not bad. It made fun of all the stuff going on in the war but did it in a way that it was not slap stick. I enjoyed it, but would not necessarily recommend it.

The Dark Knight (2008)

It was totally awesome. Heath was awesome and our friend Zak wanted to roll around in a pile of Maggie's dirty underwear. The storyline was good, it was fast moving. Long but you did not realize it because it was nonstop action packed fun.

Independence Day (1996)

RATING: 3.5/5
So, I rewatched the movie on laser disc and thought it was so much better than I remembered. The THX rumbled the room and the special effects were decent for 96. I enjoyed watching it last night.

1408 (2007)

When is the scariness going to happen? All the best parts were shown in the preview. The movie was not scary, not even a little. The premise of the movie was good. Good story and actors were good. But it just was not scary enough.

Be Kind Rewind (2008)

RATING: 3.5/5
Besides Jack Black being annoying, the movie was fairly ok. There were some cute scenes and it had a decent storyline. Too bad they did not actually make the bonus features that actually full movies they made for Ghostbusters and Rush Hour2. I would have like to have seen if the actually were allowed to stay or not. I am assuming they did not get to stay, but they sold the rights to the movie they made and now own West Coast Video. That is my take on the end, but who knows because the movie never told us how it ended.

Bernard and Doris (2007)

Susan Sarandon gave an excellent performance as well as her co-stars, although the story lacked emotion, intrigue or anything else. It was just a movie. I couldn't feel for the characters nor was I captivated by the story to keep my interest. I don't feel I would have lost anything if I would have given up half way through. I give it mid range rating just because Susan Sarandon was quite hot in this movie.

Batman Forever (1995)

This episode of the Batman saga got a tad boring around disc 3 of my laserdisc. I think they were trying to bring back many of the TV show Batman jokes, using the background music as to give it that TV sound mixed with big Hollywood flair. Jim Carrey was good as the Riddler and so was Tommy Lee Jones. Chris ODonnell is definitely good as Robin, but Val Kilmer, not so hot as Batman. Need to find B&R on Laserdisc if I can to continue my series.

Next (2007)

RATING: 3.5/5
I so did not want to watch this movie when Elisabeth brought it home, but I decided that I would give it a shot. I enjoyed it despite not liking Nicholas Cage. The movie had a good story line and Julianne Moore is super hot in this movie. And we love Julianne Moore. It is definitely a movie you have t pay attention to, it was face paced and action packed. Good combo when dealing with Mr Cage.

Goya's Ghosts (2006)

The movie was just ok. I got lost at the end with who was who, spain, brits, french... all just so confusing. And I really didn't feel for what happened to Natalie because once she was in jail, they kinda just ignored her and moved ahead like 15 years. I was bored at times and really wanted it to speed up. And the movie didn't seem to end, it just faded away. Not impressed.

Jack and Jill vs. the World (2007)

RATING: 2.5/5
Why do romantic movies need to be such downers? Typical boy with attachment issues, meets girl who is carefree. They fall in love, but girl got secret. Girl sick (dying) tells boy. Boy gets mad, girl leaves. Boy realizes he is a jerk. Boy searches for girl, apologizes. Boy and Girl happy again. Bla Bla Bla

Léon (The Professional) (1994)

Movie was slow moving... but just as I was ready to move on, the movie picked up and turned into a really good movie. So, give it a chance. You will like the end.

Lucky Number Slevin (2006)

The beginning of the movie seemed that we were going to be getting a comedy, but it turned into a decent gangster movie. The twists were good, but kinda knew where it was going. It was much better than we thought it would be.

Surf's Up (2007)

RATING: 4.5/5
This was a lot better than we thought. It jokes were right on and it had a great story. Did not know it would be like the making of a documentary, but it fit the movie and was very enjoyable. good job!

Smart People (2008)

Honestly, I was a tad bored during this. The movie really shows you how dumb smart people are. There is book smarts and common sense smart. These book smart people really are dumb in this and can't see past there face. They can't interact with each other and they director seemed to point that our very well. So, in that case... it was good. The movie seemed to drag and I was hoping for something major to happen, but nothing really did.

Una Aventura Llamada Menudo (1982)

I think I am going to be the first and only one to review this movie ever on any tally website. First I need to admit something, I was and still am a Menudo fan since 1983. Menudo is on my ipod and I listen to them daily. Ok, now that is out of the way. This movie is good and bad on many levels. It is a traditional musical where people (Menudo members) break out in song on a given moment. Based on the movies that were coming out at the time and in there country this was excellent. Latin cinema did not get good until recently. It is cheesy and bad acting, but you know... you just gotta love Menudo for trying. And no Ricky Martin was not in this movie.

Menudo - La Pelicula (1981)

The group's first film basically followed the band on their Latin American tour with some make believe stuff to add a made up story line for a back story. It is basically crap and filmed bad. Audio sucked, but what do you expect for bad Mexican cinema. The only reason I watched this movie is because I AM a Menudo fan.

The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

RATING: 4.5/5
This was an excellent movie (and series). Jodie Foster was awesome in this role, though I prefer Julianne Moore in the sequels. There is not much to say about this, but it was suspenseful without being graphic. I own this on Laser Disc. Awesome movie overall.

The Screaming Skull (1958)

I really do not know how to even give a movie like this a star. So, 3 it will be for neutral. On our Drive-In Horror movie night, first up is The Screaming Skull. Just the name itself is a reason to watch it first. There is a skull lurking in the garden, the fountain and ironically enough, knocking on your door. When you open the door, it WILL roll in by itself and has a horrible high pitched scream to it. So, beware the next time you open your door, there may be " A SCREAMING SKULL" MUAAAAA!!!!!

Friday the 13th (1980)

Review from a 9 year old seeing the movie at the drive-in with her sister and dad in 1980: Holy shit... I was scared out of my mind. This movie was so frigging scary that I was traumatized and had to have my mom look under my bed because I was so afraid there was someone under it with a knife. I became afraid of the dark and it had to be the best horror movie out there, because it did it's job.
Review as an adult: Ok, so why was I so afraid of this movie til I was a 30 year old adult. This was lame, it was built up in my head from a child that this was that terrifying. But after building up the courage to try this movie again (especially since I love horror movies since high school), I realized that there is nothing to this movie. No plot, just a lot a slicing and dicing. I rate this 3 stars because if you are impressionable, it will scare the crap out of you, but really it is just lame.

Nim's Island (2008)

RATING: 3.5/5
While the movie seemed to be fun and family entertaining, it lacked a "high seas island adventure". It seemed to drag on and found myself waiting for the climax to happen and it really never did. There were many funny parts which is why I gave it a higher rating, but it lack substance for me but would likely be entertaining for a young teen/tween.

Watching the Detectives (2007)

RATING: 2.5/5
The back of the dvd box looked like it would be a cute movie. Mostly it just made me want a video store of my own. Overall, the plot was weak, the acting was not that good, and quite boring... there were some funny parts, but not enough to lift it's rating.

Face/Off (1997)

RATING: 4.5/5
Entertaining... Some what original. It was typical John Woo movie and you can see classic scenes that are his signature. After watching this again after almost 10 years, we can see small parts by James Denton from Desperate Housewives, Margaret Cho and Danny Masterson from That 70's Show fame. It is a good movie for Saturday night with chips, soda (or beer) and THX sound. Laser Disc is awesome!!!

Awake (2007)

Previews made me watch the movie and while watching it, I enjoyed the film. I did not see the plot twist in the middle which made it fun... BUT, I was let down with the not so climatic ending. The movie fell short of giving me something to make it worth my watching. I was left with this feeling of "That's it?" Jessica Alba was very cute throughout the movie which helped in this weak suspense movie.

28 Days (2000)

This is such a downer of a movie, but the acting is excellent by Sandra Bullock. She is totally on as an alcoholic and semi-drug user who goes to rehab and becomes friends with her rehab friends and changes her life after fighting the system. I cry each time I watch it. There are a lot of fun lighthearted scenes and again Sandra does a great job.

The Lake House (2006)

I found this movie was very hard to follow. Jumping between the present and the past and figuring out how it all could be happening seemed a bit tiring for my brain. The fact that they got together at the end is weird in it's self. Sorry to spoil the ending. But overall it seemed to be a good story, but was not executed very well for us simply minded folk. The casting was good, because who don't like the Sandra/Keanu coupling. But it really did like romance, comedy, drama... it was just there.

Miss Congeniality 2 - Armed and Fabulous (2005)

RATING: 2.5/5
I really believed that they were just trying to hard with this sequel. The played to all the stereotypes that made it unbelievable. The storyline was weak and the characters became more annoying playing everything over the top. A lame sequel to an excellent movie.

Back to the Future (1985)

I really enjoyed Back To The Future... maybe it is because I feel attached to the movie. The mall that they used to send Marty to the past was the Puente Hills Mall in La Puente, CA. One night while I was out having dinner with my parents somewhere in 1983-1984, we saw all these lights and trucks. We parked and walked down after someone said they were filming a movie. Awesome to see MJF driving in the my mall parking lot filming this. The concept of the movie was great, the cast was perfect. Too bad the sequels went down hill afterwards.

A Very Brady Sequel (1996)

RATING: 2.5/5
A Very Brady rotten tomato for this sequel. Another movie that tried to hard to live up to it's original. For the original to be over the top with Bradyisms, the sequel takes on a theme that really is not very Brady. Seems that they were extremely there parodies so much that they were dull and unfunny. A skipper even if you are a Brady fan.

Monkeybone (2001)

We just purchased this on DVD because my girlfriend said it was good. It wasn't bad... but it wasn't great. There were a lot of funny scenes and Brendan plays them off very well. It had a good concept, but some parts were so over the top they were a tad annoying. Overall, it was decent and I would recommend it to Brendan fans.

Blast from the Past (1999)

RATING: 4.5/5
This is in my top films. Great cast and great story. And Alicia Silverstone is just so darn cute in this movie. It was awesome concept that Brendan was perfect for this role, you could really feel how innocent the character was about the outside world. The pairing up of Alicia and Brendan was a great choice, they worked will off each other.