RATING: 3.5/5
Chick flick alert... This is a heartwarming story of friendship that stands the test of time. I am not sure why I always find this movie in the gay/lesbian section because it is more friendship that lesbian love. We assume it is, but whatever. Keep your hankies around.
Fried Green Tomatoes (1991)

The Brady Bunch Movie (1995)

Depending on how you look at this movie, it either will suck and be good. On the Brady Bunch side, it is true homage to the show and what it represents. Take what you want from it, they brought the Brady's in to the 90's not as adults but as they were in the 70's. What might have been cool then is not in the 90's and Greg is not "big man on campus", so they are adding the reality of what is real. Because of this, it makes the Brady's seem dumb and moronic. But the movie was not to be taken seriously. It was a fun celebration of the show and the characters and they fact that the cast supported this and can make fun of themselves and the show today is great. Movie wise, it sucked in plot, storyline and everything else. I am a Brady Fan and loved it.

The House Bunny (2008)

I hate the critics have to dissect everything... Why can't a movie just be fun without a purpose. This is exactly what it is. I don't think this movie was created to win any awards, especially an Oscar. But what it did give was lots of "this is so stupid" laughs. I usually enjoy a comedy without a lot of laugh out loud parts, but this almost made me bust a gut at times. Go into this movie with being entertained and not looking for some deep meaning. It is a feel good funny movie that I thought would be crap but wasn't.

The Client (1994)

RATING: 3.5/5
I am not a fan of legal dramas but on our Susan Sarandon film festival, we pulled out our laserdisc copy of The Client. The storyline kept us intriged and engaged the whole way through. It seemed a tad long, but you had to stay with it to find out what happened next. It moves slow, but worth it.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)

RATING: 3.5/5
For when it was made and what it was about, the movie had a lot of good points to it. It was slow and never really picked up with an adventure sense. It is more drama than what I consider SciFi. I remember seeing this when I was younger, but I guess I had built up something more in my head and therefore, I was disappointed in the movie as a whole.

Clueless (1995)

A pointless movie of what was to be so 95. The characters were shallow and oblivious to the real world and that is what we loved about them. They were to be like that cause it shows us how the world really is. This is how the average teen thinks, which makes the film brilliant.

Congo (1995)

RATING: 3.5/5
I feel the critics are wrong on this movie. Just in the tradition of Jurassic Park, Michael Crichton takes us on a journey to a remote location where things are going whacko. This time with Gorillas. I was engaged the whole movie and it made me want to read the book. It had a good story and was wanting more.

Atlantic City (1980)

This is a good hold your attention movie. You feel like you know and understand your characters and they stuff that they are going through which makes a good movie.

Speed Racer (2008)

I went into this movie expecting crap for movie/plot and was looking just for entertainment and visual stimulation and of course Susan Sarandon. But I was impressed that they actually made a decent movie. You did not need to know they cartoon and they gave you just enough back story to understand who everyone was. And Blu-Ray is the way to watch this.

Romance and Cigarettes (2005)

RATING: 2.5/5
We were not fond of this movie. Although it seemed a bit funny and corny at times, we found ourselves bored and really wanted to turn it off, but did not.

Elizabethtown (2005)

Debbie Downer all the way, but remains a good movie in it's self. I always had said that I did not like the movie, but have watched it three times and each time I find more reasons I do like it. It is sad and you should have some hankies around.

Alfie (2004)

RATING: 4.5/5
I really liked this movie. I liked the acting, the characters, the story, the way it was filmed. It did seem to drag a bit, but the movie flowed well and it finished it's self, and was complete. That could be a down fall, because I wasn't left with wanting more.
HOTTIE ALERT: Susan Sarandon is absolutely beautiful in this movie and she plays the character well.

Moonlight Mile (2002)

RATING: 1.5/5
I hate giving a Susan Sarandon film a low score but this really was not good. The attire movie was blah. None of the characters had any personality. If I were friends with this people, I would be sucked into the black abyss of annoyingly boring/downer lives. Yes, I know... There daughter died, blah blah blah. At least make some characters that have substance.

12 Monkeys (1995)

RATING: 4.5/5
Not being a Brad Pitt fan, this is may be his best role yet. He is great as a crazed psycho. And I think Bruce Willis may just like making movies where he can show his butt. The movie is a bit confusing with all the jumping back and worth but it is well worth it. The film has held up with time, and does seem to dated yet.

Babel (2006)

Normally movies that jump from storyline to storyline annoy me... But the how they all came together made sense and was very good and keep my interest throughout. The acting was excellent and for once I did not dislike Brad Pitt. Too bad this was not released on laserdisc, I would want to own it. I guess I might have to break down on get dvd or blu-ray here.

Journey to the Center of the Earth (1959)

RATING: 3.5/4
Corny for 2009 (wow, weird saying that) standards, but over all I enjoyed the movie. I could have lived without Pat Boone singing and taking off most of his clothes. Special effects were up with the times, we loved the blood coming from the lizards mouth. Now on to the blu-ray 2008 version.!!!

Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008)

Just finished watching on Blu-Ray (rental, no 3D glasses). There are a lot of lost effects by watching 2D version. It is definitely a movie geared towards young boys. We were a little disappointed to not have any villain in the movie and there was not much of a back story. Without seeing the original first, there would be some things you might not get or understand. They talk more about "Max" a character that connects the new people to the earth, but they don't tell you much about original scientist that discovered it from the first movie and how apparently that was the start of the book. Overall, it was not bad. Maybe it was ruined from watching the original first. I did not seem to be on the edge of my seat during it.

The Fall (2006)

RATING: 4.5/5
At first, I was a little put off by this movie. It was corny and at times a bit annoying. But as it played on, you could understand what it was all about and you could really start to feel for the characters. Visually stimulating, the story telling sequences were amazing. Over all, I enjoyed it and would recommend it.

Ghost Town (2008)

I was disappointed in a potentially good movie. I didn't hate it, but I didn't like it either. It started out funny with a good storyline, but then just got boring and kind of a downer. The studio classified this as a romantic comedy, but not once did I even remotely want or think they would get together and truly at the end they did not, they foreshadowed a get together, but you never see it thus failing in the romance "Yea" or "awwww" factor. Elisabeth begged to differ and wanted to give this movie a 7 - 7 1/2. But I could not reach that far.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)

I really enjoyed this Indiana Jones movie, the suspense was high and I was kept on my toes. Didn't fall asleep once. Parts were predictable, but what movie isn't now a days. Cate Blanchette was fun as the villian. I also liked how the had little cameo from items of the last movies. Totally enjoyable. Can't wait for the blu-ray box set.