Kick-Ass (2010)

When I saw the trailer on this, I wanted to see it but I thought it was going to a lame super hero movie like Mystery Men or Watchmen (Yes, I thought Watchmen was boring), but because it was teens, I thought it might be half way decent. OMG! It was much better than I expected it to be.
The writing was fabulous, a combination of comedy and serious superhero action… the characters were amazing and everyone did a fantastic job, especially Hit Girl, who truly made the movie. Kick-Ass (the character) was perfect as a nervous nerd who thought it was cool to be a superhero and got in over his head. Together everyone took the impossible and created a story and world that become possible.
Still, no superhero movie should ever be taken seriously and this movie is no exception. Go into it as a good night of fun and you won’t be disappointed.

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