The AFI Top 100 Movie List Project

February 2011 Movie Summary

Since we are not gonna watch a movie tonight due to lack of sleep from last night... I decided tally our movies for the month of February.
New Watches: 26
Rewatches: 12
New Watches: 34
Rewatches: 4
February: 38
January: 43
Total To Date: 81
February: 38
January: 65
Total To Date: 103

The Dead Girl (2006)

Jenny - RATING: 2/5
This really has no purpose in being a movie... there was no point to this movie what so ever. Honestly it never really even connected and you never felt anything for anyone, no purpose, no closure... I love Brittany, but come on... this could have been way better.

Abandoned (2010)

Jenny - RATING: 3.5/5
The last movie of Brittany Murphy was pretty darn good. I was glad that she actually left on a high note even though it was not highly publicized. The movie kept me guessing what was going on and was feeling a lot like she was... very confused. But it turned out good... Nice job and RIP Brittany Murphy.

Case 39 (2009)

I thought this movie was just okay. Predictable, but had enough of a story to make it interesting. This kid was way creepier than the kid in Orphan, which was cool. I hope she does well in the future, because I would like to see more of her. She was the highlight of the movie for me.

Gattaca (1997)

Jenny - RATING: 4/5
Honestly, I thought that this would be a movie that would be just okay. I remember it coming out when I worked at Blockbuster Video, but since I was never and Uma Thurman fan I always skipped it. But Elisabeth said it was really good and she bought it on blu-ray, so I might as well give it a shot and I was really impressed with it. Impressive story, good characters, and interesting look into our future.

Donnie Darko (2001)

Iron Man 2 (2010)

Jenny - RATING: 3.5/5
Iron Man 2 had all the things I liked in a super hero movie... action, explosions, cute superhero, and good villain. Add a semi-hot co-super hero (Scarlett Johansson), and I got a movie that entertained me for about two hours. I found the ratio of downtime/uptime was just right, the special effects were cool, and the villain arm whips were just awesome. I'd watch this again.

The Third Man (1949)

We decided that we are gonna begin tandem blogging... each one of us reviewing the movie in our own words because we both have very very different opinions on movies, especially one like this. So, there will now be two reviews for movies we both watch.
Jenny: RATING: 2/5
This was our "mystery" movie for the week, as we let someone from Twitter pick a movie that is on instant. It is our way of watching movies we would not normally choose for ourselves. I totally would not have picked this for my normal viewing, just because I usually do not give into classic black & whites. I am usually a 70's and after kinda girl. I had no clue of what Film Noir was and had to ask Elisabeth... also had to ask what was going on in the movie cos I was lost throughout most of it... and at the end, I still never understood why the main character faked his death. Things are not as well laid out here and the lack of subtitles made it even more difficult to follow, even though Elisabeth said that was how it should be cos they wanted us to be just as confused as Holly Martins was as he was questioning people about the death of his friend. Not that I would not give more Film Noir a chance, I think it might be slow to get to... or have to wait until the next MYSTERY movie. LOL.
Elisabeth: RATING 4/5

Wicked Little Things (2006)

Gung Ho (1986)

Thinking this might have been boring, I went into it with low expectations and came out with a surprise liking of this movie. Michael Keaton's annoyance factor was low, which was nice. The story was good and truly this was a "proud to be an American" movie. It had a good hearted ending, which so many 80's movie did... It held up well to the times.

RoboCop 3 (1993)

Wrapping up my RoboCop blu-ray trilogy, the third film was not much better than the second. Very weak story line, lack of interesting characters and again nothing to tell us how we got from two to three but to make it worse they decided to put a jet pack on him... Enter SUPER Robocop. I was waiting for the cap to appear sometime during flight. This series had the potential to be awesome, but fell flat on film two and never picked up. Overall, my series rating will be a 3 just because the first was sooooo awesome.

RoboCop 2 (1990)

RATING: 2.5/5
Though the movie had lots of special effects, gunfights, and robot vs robot action, that was its core. A weak story made me wondering what was truly the mission RoboCop. There was no story about how Murphy cleaned up, how his girl partner is back to normal or anything else. There were many questions unanswered.

RoboCop (1987)

As a kid I liked RoboCop and now watching for the first time since it was released many moons ago, I find that I still like it. It has suspense, action, lots of gunfire and a decent story. Some of the CGI did not hold up so well... some of the robots seems cartoonish. The transfer to Blu-ray was great though some shots were grainy but what do you expect. Time to move on to the next in the series, which I don't remember seeing.

Disaster on the Coastliner (1979)

Chinatown (1974)

RATING: 3.5/5
A mystery who done it movie where Jack Nicholson is not a pyscho... A bit drawn out but well directed film. Although it lost me in places, it all fell together in the end. You would think that this would have more to do with Chinatown than it did, can't be sure why they named it this. Elisabeth enjoyed it a little more than I did.

Ode to Billy Joe (1976)

Daddy Long Legs (1955)

Since doing the movie tally (Tallyteers), I have been more experimental in my movie watching that I am just about willing to watch anything. Elisabeth thought it would be nice to watch a few musicals for the month of March, but we are starting now with our first... One we both had not seen. While I thought that story and plot were fine and kept my attention, the musical and dance number I found to be irrelevant to the movie, though Elisabeth to be an actual part of the telling of the story. I don't see why Fred Astaire needed to dance in his office all by himself other than he's Fred Astaire and that's what he does. All in all, I found the movie to be decent but we could have lived without so much song and dance.

Alice in Wonderland (1951)

Cyrus (2010)

RATING: 2.5/5
Took til the end to see the point of this movie, we stuck it out. Thought this was going to be a lot more funny than the drama that it was, though it wasn't completely hideous.

Solstice (2007)

Alien: Resurrection (1997)

Alien 3 (1992)

Aliens (1986)

Alien (1979)

TerrorVision (1986)

Such a bad bad bad... comical horror film that I am sure was not taking itself seriously. The storyline was blah, the special effects were nothing more than slime, the acting was horrible. It had to be a farce of some kind. Maybe the only interesting aspect of the movie was the Elvira wanna-be MEDUSA.

All About Eve (1950)

For my Pre-1970's requirement for today's movie watching, All About Eve was recommended by two different people on Twitter, so I gave this a go since I am really beginning to appreciate Bette Davis as an actress. The movie was entertaining and I could appreciate where the movie started as I was teenage fan myself to many of celebrities and became their friends, although I never took it to the extreme of wanting their life, but I could see how Eve felt and I loved how the movie ended with a big giant circle. This was a fine film and I can see why it is a favorite of those who recommended it to me.

Cobra (1986)

RATING: 2.5/5
While it wasn't the most boring movie I have seen of Sly, this definitely was one of the less explosive I have seen of his. I have always been so used to HIGH action, HIGH explosion Sly movies, this just seemed like a let down. Even though you shouldn't go into a movie with expectations, I did and felt cheated.

The Roommate (2011)

This was okay. I liked it better than Single White Female, of which this movie was almost exactly like, oddly enough. I liked the college setting, and Billy Zane was awesome. one biggest pet peeve...aside from which they should have a new rating for this kind of movie. We all know about the animal cruelty thing, but seriously...some kids are just not ready for the subject matter in this movie. I heard lots of ewws, and other not-so-fantastic commentary throughout the movie. Maybe they should have a 15 and over movie rating now, and enforce it like they do rated R. But that is just my opinion.

The Eagle (2011)

The one thing I have to say about this movie is...Channing Tatum cannot act. This was not a great plot-driven movie to begin with, and Scotland has so much better scenery than they showed in the film, which is really sad. I kept thinking just how much like The 13th Warrior this was like...and not in a good way.
While I was in this theater, I was reminded of how much I sometimes HATE going to new release movies on opening weekend. People had kids, loud eaters, talkers, texters and idiots who didn't turn off their phone. It detracted from the "experience".

The RIte (2011)

First 2011 movie of the year...yay! I liked this one, and not for Anthony Hopkins, but the story itself. The story was quite a different take on the standard exorcist movie, and thank god, because that story has been rehashed so many times. I am a sucker for exorcism movies, but that didn't sway my opinion of this one. I really liked this one, and if you have a thing for exorcism movies, you will like it to.

Our Kamikaze Movie Rules

1. First movie is the one you want to see.
2. Next movies cannot be previously viewed.
3. Next movie must be showing within 30 minutes of letting out of the previous one.
Pretty easy really. Forces us to see movies we normally wouldn't.

Not Forgotten (2009)

The Hillside Strangler (2004)

RATING: 2.5/5
My love for serial killers and their stories found my this is little unknown movie with C.Thomas Howell sporting a 70's afro like in Soul Man. LOL. I might be spoiled by David Fincher and Zodiac (my favorite), but it wasn't all hideous. I like learning about these killer, I just wish they movies weren't so low budget. The cast was weak, I didn't really learn anything about his character or truly why he did what he did. And since their were two of them, shouldn't be STRANGLERS?

The Boys: The Sherman Brothers Story (2009)

We really enjoyed this documentary. We enjoy documentaries about film history, but I particularly enjoy the Disney ones. You learn so much about how things happened and who was involved, etc. What was interesting about this one was just how many songs the Sherman brothers wrote throughout the years. We knew they were around forever and we all know the most famous songs, but there are so many we just never knew about. All in all, it was very enlightening to see their history and how they just didn't like each other and hadn't spoken to each other in years. Understandable sometimes, but really sad. This is definitely a must for any Disney fan. My only question do I get Leonard Maltin to adopt me?

Personal Effects (2008)

Despite all the pretty people you hoped could make a decent movie, this movie left us unsatisfied. The story lacked emotion which should have been high with the theme of the movie. Both Michelle and Ashton are good actors, but this movie never pulled us in either with the trials of cases or with the connection these people were supposed to have with each other. Overall, boring.

Exam (2009)

RATING: 3.5/5
Good concept, well done. The standard stick so many people in a room, see what happens kind of thing, but the one thing that was different was they were all vying for a job. People tend to get a little wiggy when you dangle the prospect of a great job in front of them. The ending was interesting, and of course there was a red herring. It was pretty good though.

Assault on Precinct 13 (2005)

Less Than Zero (1987)

Finally watched for the first time Less Than Zero, though Elisabeth has seen it. I had tried to read the book and I hated the way the author wrote, but everyone told me the movie was so much better and I now agree it was. I swear if I was straight I would have been all over Robert Downey Jr. He is such a great actor, and so adorably cute. LOL. The music was awesome, the acting was superb. Very nice film... I even cried a little bit when RDJ went to talk to his dad on the tennis court. Excellent.

Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan (1982)

Avatar (2009)

Although we gave it the same amount of stars... I think our opinions varied on this. Elisabeth thought it was preachy, overdone, about an hour too long, and the acting sucked (even from Sigourney Weaver). Myself thought it wasn't all bad, but I couldn't find one place where I thought 3D could have help it. I agreed that the movie was way too long. James Cameron just likes to show off and a lot of the scenes were just not needed. His epic was just okay in my book. So many people said it was like awesome and best movie ever, but we thought it was far from that... We can finally officially say "OVERRATED".

Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999)

RATING: (E 4/5)
I think this is one of the best dark comedies of the 90's. The all-star cast, the writing, everything about it is just so funny. Maybe I find it funnier because I grew up in that area of the world in a small town not unlike the one in the movie. I "get" the humor and inside jokes. I really enjoyed the mockumentary aspect and don't think it could have actually worke any other way. Even though I have seen this movie a hundred times over the years, it still makes me laugh in all the same spots it originally did. That is truly the mark of a good movie.

Burnt Offerings (1976)

I have only seen two Bette Davis movies in my life, so I have a question... does she only play in movies where she goes nuts? LOL. This movie was odd to say the least. There was this constant WTF? theme to it... It was like The Shining meets Amityville Horror. First you think the dad is going mad like Jack Nicholson was... then the mom... the granny... then finally the house begins to destroy itself and put itself back together. Nice to see a movie that does not have a happily ever after end.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)

RATING: 3.5/5
Yes, Star Trek was pretty... I have to say for a first time watch for me (Jenny) that the movie held up to it being so old. The blu-ray transfer was incredible, like watching a movie made in 2011. Special effects surpass Star Wars IV hands down... my issue was that there was no suspense, nothing for me to grip my chair for... I kept waiting for something magical for me to go: WHOA! so that I could love it. It never came. The whole build up just seemed to fizzle.
Elisabeth told me it was slow and that the next movies are much better. She is a Star Trek fan, so no need for her opinions cos she loves them.

Knight and Day (2010)

RATING: 2.5/5
This movie was just trying to hard... the acting seemed force, the chemistry was bad, the jokes were not funny. You could tell that they were trying to make this a Lethal Weapon or something similar where they were playing off all the explosions and bullets flying as it was humorous and failed in making it funny. Tom Cruise overacted from scene one... It was almost like a train wreck, but luckily we had enough car chases, fireballs and machine guns to add an extra half a star to our rating.

Winter's Bone (2010)

Nothing to Lose (1997)

Off and on... funny, not funny. This movie kept bouncing up and down on my like, not like radar... so I am gonna say it was not bad. Martin Lawrence is annoying as hell, but certain scenes, especially with his "mama" was hilarious. The funny was extremely funny, while the rest just seemed to be there.

Dogtooth (2010)

Let Me In (2010)