Friday the 13th (1980)

Review from a 9 year old seeing the movie at the drive-in with her sister and dad in 1980: Holy shit... I was scared out of my mind. This movie was so frigging scary that I was traumatized and had to have my mom look under my bed because I was so afraid there was someone under it with a knife. I became afraid of the dark and it had to be the best horror movie out there, because it did it's job.

Review as an adult: Ok, so why was I so afraid of this movie til I was a 30 year old adult. This was lame, it was built up in my head from a child that this was that terrifying. But after building up the courage to try this movie again (especially since I love horror movies since high school), I realized that there is nothing to this movie. No plot, just a lot a slicing and dicing. I rate this 3 stars because if you are impressionable, it will scare the crap out of you, but really it is just lame.

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