Re-sees: 4
Re-sees: 7
RATING: 4.5/5
Hellboy is one of our favorite series in this house. Don't know if it is Selma Blair, Guillermo Del Toro or just the movies in general. It is one of the best comic book adaptation done. We watched this with my nephew, who was watching for the first time, and his wife, who had only seen this on telemundo. LOL. It also was the first movie watched in our new movie room with new speakers, etc... It was an awesome test movie. Wooo.
Honestly, I enjoyed this movie much better than I thought I would. The good characters were good, but the evil characters were so dang evil it was almost scary. The music wasn't overly poppy or catchy but weren't cheesy that you hated it. Very sweet and good story.
While I did not find it that funny, it wasn't too bad of a movie. My main issue is and always will be Matthew Perry. He has one character and they all revolve around him having the same personality as Chandler from Friends. The movie was interesting with the twists and turns to see who was working with who, but it wasn't the greatest mob/comedy around. The supporting cast was a tad weak, but Bruce Willis was fun.
After some recommendations, I decided to watch True Romance today (the unrated director's cut on laserdisc). Far more impressed with the movie than I expected to me. There was a good down time/action ratio which kept me from getting bored. High quality cast and good story made this afternoon movie every enjoyable.
Catching this before it went off netflix instant, I found myself bored and wondering how Mark Hamill every even made it in the movies. He's lack of emotion made me not care if he got the car back or not. The corvette and camaro were the highlights of the movie. Continuity errors made the movie more funny, than the late night "comedy" angle that netflix classified it as.
RATING: 2.5/5
Many, many times I wanted to grab the remote and turn off this movie, but I held on to see the predictable ending. I don't think the 80s knew how to have a action thrill ride without a happy ending and overly in your face soundtrack of top 40 hits to annoy you with. Weak acting, not so suspensive action sequences made Iron Eagle mediocre in my book, and I wanted to join the Air Force when I was 16. Go figure.
A mix between sci-fi and fantasy, Krull was really good for its time. The special effects were good and cgi was not bad. The acting I found to be mediocre and the story well... I guess I might not have understood. According to description of the the movie was about "...Krull has arranged the marriage of a Prince and Princes who are to join his alliance." but what I got from it was aliens came down, stole a girl and this guy was hunting the alien down to get the girl back. Beyond that, I didn't follow any other major plot. It was entertaining, I will give it that.
RATING: 1.5/5
What the hell is this about... you are gonna tell me that this Disney "princess" story does not end with a happily ever after. WTF. How can this be?
So I am a total fan of Jennifer Stone from Wizards of Waverly Place from the Disney Channel and when I saw that she was going to be in Mean Girls 2, a made for ABC Family movie, I just had to watch it. This is just another teen/family movie. There is nothing of major importance in this movie but it was not horrible. Jennifer Stone is perfect in comedy, she is made for it. As for the rest of the cast, no one seemed to stand out from another.
A fictionalized "true" story about what happens in tough love boot camps, this movie was saved and upgraded to a 3 star by the hotness of Mila Kunis. It was an okay story, barely acceptable acting by supporting cast, and lots of mud and wetness. Decent movie to watch while you are waiting for your next DVDs to come from Netflix.
This movie had such promise... the trailer was good, the concept of the movie was decent, but the execution was boring, boring, boring. Not until the last 20 minutes did the cars come down and destroy the town. There did not seem to be a plot to this little 70's flick, so it seemed to be a waste of 1.5hrs. Where was the blood, where was the eating?
Who knew I would have to flip my DVD to watch a movie on DVD, I thought that was a laserdisc issue. LOL. Okay, so we spent last night watching it. I had never seen it but had been told it was creepy, so why not give it a try. While I did not find it creepy, I also did not find it corny. It was a pretty decent movie, long, but decent. There was a lot of down time, but more of a build up and understanding of the characters. Good cast, and Elisabeth, who has read the book, said it is pretty darn close to the book.
Awful awful movie. We only could stand about 45 minutes of this one. I didn't care if he made it out of the box or not. Maybe if there was some back story or something else, it might have been better. I am not one who needs lots of explanation in my movies, but this one definitely needed more than what was given. Ryan Reynolds was not the best choice for a one-man my opinion.
Had such promise, but after watching a third of it and not much happening other than one guy being a complete douche...had to turn it off. Sucked on a very major scale with no likeable characters and a very thin plot.
RATING: 3.5/5
I must have been as oblivious as the high school reporter as I did not see what was going on just as he didn't and once the crime was solved, I still did not see where it all came together. While the movie was decent, storyline had potential, and characters were good, I just felt like I was let down at the end and thought it was to be more and I was actually waiting for the president to be killed.
RATING: (J) 3/5 - (E) 4/5
This is one movie we disagree on. While Elisabeth really likes this movie and can holler out the lines as they are happening, I can't even remember I have seen the movie until it starts playing. Elisabeth laughs, where I say ugh. We do own this on blu-ray and we watched for the first time since getting the copy. This movie just doesn't seem to be my thing, but remains a favorite of Elisabeth's.
A classic story about an inmate on death row that instead of getting executed, is taken apart and his body parts (arms, legs, torso and head) are transplanted on other people. The parts become possessed because the "head" wants his body back and is after all the people to get what is his. CLASSIC!!! Many many times we yelled at the screen at the campyness of it all; but in the end, it was pretty good. Thanks for the good time.
RATING: 3.5/5
A little slower pace than I hoped for, but nonetheless it was a very descent Bond flick, even my nephew enjoyed it as first James Bond movie. I would have like to have seen more car chases, but we had lots of explosions instead.
This has to be one of my top movies of all time. Wasn't on my plan to watch movie list today, but my nephew came over to watch movies with me and he wanted to see this one. It is always intense and I see something new each time I watch it. I don't really have many bad things to say about this movie, it is just incredible.
Based on the netflix description, we thought this would be more of a supernatural movie, but as we found out... it wasn't. I felt a tad disappointed at that point because I thought it was a tad creepy, but Elisabeth liked it still. We agreed that you can make a movie where someone doesn't have to survive and still be good. I will admit it was pretty decent for horror. It was low budget, but the way the movie was shot just made gave it a good effect for a pretty scary flick.
RATING: 3.5/5
We both pretty much liked this one. It seemed a little like Avatar in places (not that we have seen it, but can guess). Humans suck...aliens good...human saves alien species...aliens figure out a way for everyone to live happily ever after...blah blah blah. Overall, not bad, and really action-packed throughout.
RATING: 3.5/5
Thinking this movie was going to corny and stupid, I watched it anyways and I was delighted to find that it wasn't all that corny. This was a little adventure in the outback that just happened to have a kangaroo that is at the center of a mafia plot. Yeah, there were moments where the kangaroo was a little too animated but over all it was a great ride and perfect for a day of movie watching at work.
I waited and waited, then flipped to the second side of the disc and waited a little more, and then 30 minutes before the end all hell broke loose. It was a very long and boring wait to get to killings and scares to begin. Once they came, it did seem like went by so fast. After the movie, the laserdisc had the original trailer and I have to say that if you have seen that then you have pretty much seen all the good stuff. Wished this could have been more campy instead of trying to be so serious.
RATING: 3.5/5
An Army flick of wayward kids who need learn to think on their own in order to stay in the service is almost like a not so serious Stand and Deliver, be all that you can be... in the army. Not so funny, but a sincere movie that pulled at the heart strings just a bit at the end. Nothing great, but worth the watch.
This movie had all the things that I like in a movie... sex... murder... gossip... Kate Hudson (in order, LOL) A good story and cast that had a some intrigue of what was going on and how it was all going to play out. I love James Marsden as an actor, he just seems to have it all together for his roles. Good movie.
Better than expected, Spartan was a nice crime kidnapping flick that seemed straight forward for through us for a twist or two throughout. Good story, decent cast, and a nice pace to it. A solid good film.
RATING: 3.5/5
This movie left us with two questions: 1) Where were Jessica's parents? and 2) Why was she left with a grandfather who liked to touch her boobs every chance he could?
This has been sitting in our instant queue on Netflix for months now. We have been meaning to get to it, but something better always came along. Well, since it was expiring, we figured we better watch it, so we did. Overall, it was a decent movie...kind of depressing, but was okay and not hideously bad. The soundtrack was pretty cool, and that was probably the best part about this movie. Overall moral of the have to figure out who you really are to know where you need to be...blah blah blah.
I know what you must be thinking in order for us to give this movie 5 whole stars. We could rate the movie for storyline, special effects, acting, and all the other things to make Oscar history, but we just can't. This movie has to be rated for pure entertainment and enjoyableness of the big ball of cheese that this movie is. Starting from opening scene, this movie made us laugh, jump and had us yelling at the screen which gave us total fun for an hour and a half and that is what makes a movie good. It definitely was not a film to be taken seriously... the cgi sucked, the gore factor was over the top, but you know... it was a hell of a good time.
We both felt equally that while this movie was good for the first 20-30 minutes and had promise, it failed with a lack of a good crime story and for repetitious on jokes. How many times can you do the same joke and it remain funny in one movie. Mark Wahlberg was very entertaining in a comical role but Will Farrell's mundane personality made his "boring" cop just that, boring. Kudos to Samuel L Jackson and The Rock for their stellar performances in the first part, which is probably why the movie was better then. Overall, fun but could have been better...
This worktime movie of Starman really was an enjoyment. I loved the story, the romance, the characters and how believable they made it. It wasn't the same ol cheesy sci-fi, actually is almost did not seem sci-fi at all. And for 1984, the Starman's spaceship was realistic special effects. I don't really have any complaints on the movie its self.
This is one of those movies that I kept seeing on Netflix or at the video store and thought that just by the name alone I would never watch. What was I thinking? This is was a very unexpected joy of a movie that I laughed my ass off watching. Normally Robin Williams will annoy me, but in this character he didn't annoy me but I hated him for being such a bad ass. It was nice to see Edward Norton do something that wasn't so serious too. Although this wasn't a movie to win awards, it was a gem that needs to be recognized. I loved it and can definitely see adding this movie to my collection. Good job Smoochy!
RATING: 3.5/5
Tonights "Animation Tuesday" movie was Disney's first completely computer animated feature the sequel to The Rescuers. Quite entertaining and at times a bit suspenseful, this movie was filled with good humor and a nice storyline. We both agreed that it was much better than the original.
RATING: 2.5/5
So many people I know are Buffy fans, including my girlfriends, and I have tried to watch the TV show but there is just something about it that makes me not like it. Tonight I was bored and wanted to watch a movie on laserdisc but I have the hardest time picking one out and this one just kept calling me so I decided to give it a chance. I was doing fine and thought that I might actually like movie until... SENIOR DANCE. From that moment on, the movie got stupid that was way beyond campy cheesy fun, though it was fun to see Hilary Swank get knocked out at the end. WOOO.
Though I have not seen even 25% of the Bond films, I am slowly becoming a Bond fan. Goldeneye was not shy on explosions, fight scenes, car chases, cleaver one liners, and hot chicks. My only issue with this compared to the more recent film is that as much as Bond got his ass kicked, he lacked damage only coming out with a small scratch making it not so believable but it was still totally enjoyable.
RATING: 3.5/5
I almost thought this movie was gonna leave me with an unsatisfied without these little guys finding the "great valley", but spoiler... they do. I really enjoyed the characteristics and personalities that they gave each of the little baby dinos. They embraced the bonds of friendship between "races" which is a good moral to any kids movie. Better than I expected it to be.