Dear John (2010)

Dear John,

I have to say that despite the fact that you made me cry in many different places, you were a tad too long. Okay, maybe not too long in the true sense of it, but you did have many, and I mean many slow parts that I wanted to fall asleep in. Now, before you go off crying... I did like you.

Don't get me wrong, you were a very good movie. Channing Tatum was perfect for the role of John, even though I may not have watched the movie just for him. I do feel that your casting of Amanda Seyfried was also an excellent cast, which was the reason and probably the only reason we would watch your creator, Nicolas Sparks, who has a good way of casting actresses that I wanna see. But two hot people is not a reason to have to have a sex scene even though it was done tastefully. FYI, if you are gonna do a love scene with Amanda, in the future we would like to see more skin. Thanks.

Hopefully, with the next Nick Sparks movie I watch, Last Song, he will have learned from you and made the movie shorter.

Always, Jenny

P.S. By the way, I did like the twist you gave with who Savannah married.

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