Jenny -RATING 4/5
Drama, humor and a bit of truth to it all, Network was an awesome two hours of entertainment about the world of television, reality tv and news. Faye Dunaway plays an awesomely strong woman in a man's world of television 70's. Acting was superb, story was great. I can see why this is one of the Top 100 AFI films. Excellent. I saw this when I was younger, way younger, but don't remember lots of it. Can appreciate it more now as an adult.
Elisabeth - RATING: 4/5
Great movie. It is always interesting to see how things were done back in the day of TV Networks. It really gives you an understanding of how it all meshes together, where ideas come from and what it takes to get the ever-elusive top rating. Everything about this movie was spot on and I honestly don't think I would change anything other than the "love" story between the two people...that just wasn't necessary, but it gave us insight into a modern vs old-school way of thinking about things. What was funny, was when they were playing the Life commercial at the end, Jenny and I could quote the entire thing as they played it...and well...the whole movie just made its point.
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