Never Been Kissed (1999)

I figured that I would start a my review process with all my favorites. So, I am starting with Drew Barrymore, who has been my top favorite actress since Poison Ivy. Drew is an incredible actress and since here come back has worked hard to stay clean and release good fun movies, like Never Been Kissed.

Never Been Kissed is the perfect romantic comedy in my book. It has all the ingredients for a classic. Not only does this movie make you happy, but it makes you cry and even makes you hate Jessica Alba, which is hard to do since she is so hot (not in this movie though). Drew is cute in this movie (not Charlie's Angels sexy) which helps identify with her character. She was girl who was a nerd in school (which we get to see her in braces) who grows up to be a newspaper writer and goes undercover in a high school to get close to the kids of today. During the movie, we get to see her make fun of herself with just the right amount of slapstick. She has to make friends with the "cool kids" even though she automatically gravitates to the "nerds", falls in love, breaks his heart and even gets high for the first time.

Does it end up with a happy ending for the people who haven't since it? HELLO? It would be a drama if she didn't. Like I said, the perfect romantic comedy. :up:

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