Riding in Cars with Boys (2001)

This movie could be the survival guide to white trash women everywhere, but I really to like this movie even though I am not white trash.
Drew takes on a journey that starts with a mistake of getting hooked up with a loser and gets knocked up. Trying to do the right thing, the get married and it goes downhill from there. She can't finish school because of the baby, honey goes from one job to the next trying to make ends meat and if he would stop drinking there probably would have been money and food. After seeing her life go from good to gutter, all she wants to do is finish school, get a job and try to pull herself on to the street at least and having a kid to care for doesn't help.

So, that is the movie in a nutshell. What I like about it is the fact that it seems like a true story. Nothing seems to have been taken to an extreme to be unrealistic. It is not a happy story and you don't feel good about the movie and the characters. The movie does drag a bit in the middle, but leads you to the emotional end of the movie that will have you and your box of kleenex working over time as Drew and her grown-up son hash out his childhood, which is all worth it. I recommend this movie to chicks...

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